Monday, October 10, 2011

Trip Home to USA

Joyce and Bob fly Delta into Atlanta and on to Asheville. Lydia and Jerry are on British Air non-stop to Chicago.  Both are nearly 10 hours depending on the headwinds.  Joyce was able to capture some photos of the French Alps. IMG_7716IMG_7712

Hard to believe that there is still snow on the mountaintops.

The 10 hours didn't seem that bad as it felt like we were constantly eating or drinking. We read our Kindles and maybe napped a tiny bit. We experienced headwinds as high as 148 mph and we wondered if we would make the arrival time, but eventually these turned into tailwinds at over 100 mph, so it all evened out.

We had to make it through customs, then over 4 hour layover in Atlanta only to then sit on the runway for nearly an hour to take off. We  could have driven from Atlanta to Asheville in the time we waited.

We arrived home about 11:00 after being up for nearly 24 hours.  Bob was up early the next morning for his Kiwanis BBQ. Joyce enjoyed a walk with her flowers.  The trees are changing daily and the full fall color is not far away.  IMG_7759   IMG_7731

Our home was immaculate as we knew it would be.  FSU friend, Pat Ramsey, has  been house sitting for us the entire time we were gone. The plants, birds and squirrels must have loved the attention, and we certainly appreciated the comfort that someone was here while we were gone.  We are still discovering all the treasures she left for us. 

Many of you have shared with us how much you have enjoyed following us on our Mediterranean Holiday. As the author of the blog, I appreciate that very much since many days I would have easily skipped it when we were so pooped from tours.  I knew that I couldn't afford to get many days behind, though, since we had so many intensive tours, I never would have been able to remember what went where. The other reason to keep up is that once you return, the motivation never matches the need to get a posting together to upload so you can read it.

My other goal now it to get some people and places written up on Trip Advisor so others can learn from our experiences.

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